Four more weird things you did as a kid

Click here for Part I! Childhood. That blissful time when you could do whatever you wanted without scrutiny. You could run and play to your heart’s content free from the burden of responsibility. But do you know how strange some of your childhood pastimes were? Your parents smiled at behavior that would make other people scratch their heads in bewilderment. Here is a list of four weird things you did as a kid. Feel free to leave others in the comments section below.

4. Put everything in your mouth

Wow! Look at this rock! It has dirt and shiny specks all over it. It could be a diamond! It could be worth millions! Might as well put it in my mouth. Sound familiar? Kids love to put things in their mouths. Be it a stick on the playground or mommy’s necklace, everything has to be eaten. As bright as children are, they tend to follow a general rule: if it looks at least somewhat edible, it must be consumed. Glue? Check. Money? Check. Cat hair? Why not? This habit, of course, leads to many tummy-aches and owies. Why did we insist on eating everything in sight? If only we could remember…

“Mom, I think we’re going to need a new rubber duckie…”

“Mom, I think we’re going to need a new rubber duckie…”

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